Featured Falcon: History Bowl Captain Meredie Cohen leads team to Nationals


Meredie Cohen is a senior in Humanities leading the Varsity History Bowl A team to the National Competition. She is also the current president of Quiz Bowl and knows the right tactics to coach her team to success. The top Varsity and JV teams are set to compete in the History Bowl National Competition in Washington D.C. in April.

What sparked your interest in learning history?

I was interested before the History Bowl, expanding my knowledge of the past. I joined out of curiosity during the pandemic, clubs falling apart. Being able to transfer knowledge into a game helped me fall in love with learning history in a recursive kind of way. 

How did you get involved in history bowl?

I joined during my sophomore year, which was entirely worked on an online buzzer system. It was a much different experience, but I’m happy I joined when I did. 

What do your responsibilities as a team captain entail?

My responsibilities entail attending all club practices and managing some club logistics. I set up the club shirts and coordinate pizza for some practices and competitions. 

How do you coach your team to success? 

 I became friends with my teammates outside of history bowl. To promote camaraderie in the club, we chill and hang out and it’s a good way to grow our friendship and strengthen the team.

How do you boost team spirit in the history bowl?

We have an insane amount of people this year, we have 60 members. Feeling the overwhelming support of Poolesville at competitions is exciting, especially since it began with a group of students tricking Mr. Turner into sponsoring the club, to begin with. 

What advice would you give to someone interested in joining the History Bowl?

When I first joined History Bowl, I knew nothing. I confused Julius Caesar with Napoleon Bonaparte. It’s exciting to grow and watch yourself grow. We need everyone. Your knowledge set could be more obscure, but could definitely prove useful.