Featured Falcon: Scholastic Silver Key for personal essay recipient Megha Jasti
Megha Jasti is a SMCS senior. She has entered the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards and won the Silver Key for her personal essay. The Pulse wanted to ask her about her experiences with the competition.
What was your essay about?
My essay was a personal memoir about myself, my interests, and some cool things I do outside of school.
Why did you decide to enter into this competition?
I decided to enter because I was writing for my college essay and I had a lot of really good ideas and topics, but not enough space to express everything in the word limit. So, I decided to extend my essay and enter!
How long have you been writing?
I don’t regularly write outside of school, but I do rarely when I get an idea that is interesting.
What requirements were involved in the competition?
The competition requires you to be in high school, and submissions need to be longer than 500 words. You also need a teacher sponsor, even if you don’t write the piece with their help.
How did you go about choosing what to write about?
I wanted to show a lot of different aspects of myself in the piece, and let my personality shine, while also having it be cohesive and understandable.

Esther is a senior in the Humanities program. This is her first year writing for The Pulse. Outside of the classroom, she’s a part of Costumes for the...