New resource teacher invigorates social studies department
The new Social Studies Resource Teacher at Poolesville High School, Ms. Jennifer Brennan, is thrilled to join the close-knit community that is Poolesville. After five years of trying to land a job at Poolesville High School, she was finally offered the opportunity this summer, leaving her ecstatic to seize this chance and in anticipation of what is to come.
Five years ago, Brennan and her friends got lost and wound up in the town of Poolesville for the first time. While they wandered around by the Town Hall and ate lunch, Brennan was in complete awe of her surroundings. She quickly began to wonder if there was a school in the area and if she could get employed there. When she finally got to Poolesville High School, she was thrilled to see an opportunity heading her way. For the past five years, as she was patiently waiting for a job position at Poolesville High School, Brennan was the Social Studies Resource Teacher at Magruder High School.
Brennan disclosed reasons for being extremely determined and persistent in working at Poolesville High School. She was first captivated by the resemblance between Poolesville’s environment and her hometown, which ultimately radiated a nostalgic sensation and provided great comfort.
“I grew up in an area a lot like Poolesville back in Pennsylvania,” Brennan revealed.
She went on to mention how she finds tranquility and beauty in her commute to work every day. Brennan was also impressed by the fact that this high school is a magnet school because it would allow her to connect with true history-loving students. Her expectations were far exceeded in regards to the caliber of students in her Modern and AP World History classes.
Humanities junior Laura Klimas expressed great feedback regarding Brennan’s teaching style in her AP World History class.
“She is very enthusiastic and excited about teaching world history,” Klimas stated.
Her passion for world history has even been said to help some students remember the information better. Klimas continues to discuss Brennan’s teaching methods and the incorporation of podcasts. She enjoys podcasts in the sense that they allow students to take their time on notes since they can adjust the speed to their own pace, as opposed to rushing to finish it.
According to Brennan, another plus side of working at a magnet school is forming relationships with students from all over the county. She finds the diversity of students refreshing and delightful. As a resource teacher, Brennan collaborates with the Social Studies teachers to help all of their students. She also supports her teachers by seeing what needs to get done and doing it in hopes of somewhat relieving stress and benefiting students.
Brennan is exhilarated to become a part of Poolesville High School’s close-knit community. She looks forward to continuing to work with her students and collaborate with other teachers in the Social Studies Department throughout the year. She is grateful to have finally landed her dream job position at Poolesville High School.

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