Featured Falcon: Curator catching upperclassmen parking offenders in the student lot Jenna Rothenberg

In late 2021, Jenna Rothenberg, an ISP senior, created Poolesville Can’t Park, an Instagram page that highlights Poolesville High School’s worst parkers. Students who don’t park in the lines or drive in the medians face public internet shame, encouraging PHS students to park properly and respectfully in their designated spaces. “We are making the world a better place, one parking spot at a time!”


Are you good at parking?


No… I’ve been featured on the account once, and some of my friends have the password. Nobody knows I’m not in the lines today. 


What inspired you to start Poolesville Can’t Park?


People parked really funny outside and would take up two spaces on purpose. I got the idea on Tiktok. 


When did you start?


My first post is from November 16, 2021, and it has been going strong since.


How long were you anonymous?


I told my close friends but nobody knew it was me for the first week or so. I wasn’t trying to keep it a secret. Maybe half of the kids know it’s me at this point.


Has anyone ever gotten annoyed to be featured?


I block out the license plate unless it’s a friend who said they’re okay with keeping it in. Nobody’s ever approached me in frustration, but I’ve noticed some people trying to park better so they deliberately are not featured. We’re making a positive impact!


How do you gather your content?


I take a good ½ of the photos and videos from the account on my phone. I get tons of submissions of bad parking via my Instagram DMs. Some of my friends have the password, so we can share materials and sometimes post together.