Clubs divided over attending club fair amid new changes
The annual club fair, organized by the Student Government Association, took place on Oct. 5, during lunch outside of the gym. Clubs brought visuals, sign-up sheets, and information sheets, trying to attract as many students as they could. Several changes were made as well. The club fair’s location was moved and the sign up sheet was online. This year almost half of the school’s clubs did not participate.
Funding the Future, a club run by Global Ecology Senior Amy Zhu, did not participate because they felt their efforts were best put towards focusing on developing the actual club. The mock trial club was conflicted as to whether they should participate. Humanities Senior Amanda Chu, before the club fair, had indicated that they might participate, however they ended up not participating. Chu cited the reasoning to be that the Mock Trial usually has a large amount of people who come to the information meeting through the club fair but do not end up participating in the club.
However, according to Hicks, the number of clubs participating went up from last year. Hicks stated, “We kind of put it on the clubs to register and it [went really] well.” They set up a google form and exactly 60 clubs signed up. According to Hick’s, “ it’s really worked out well to be kind of a nice living document of what the clubs are.”
Some Clubs that were at the club fair seemed to find it an effective means of getting the word out about their organizations.
“This year was definitely more organized, last year was chaos; I think [this years fair] was more effective.” stated Global Ecology Sophomore Lauren Perl, who runs Amnesty International and Noteworthy Productions, two clubs which she started her freshman year.
Global Ecology Senior Aidan Auel of the Leo Club, a club that has been attending the club fair every year, says “A lot of people sign up and [do] not come, but a lot of people signup, so if you half that number, it’s still a lot. ” He stated that the Leo Club would “definitely” continue doing the club fair.
Leeah is a Senior in the humanities program. This is her first year writing for the Pulse but she’s been reading it since her freshman year. Apart from...