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Jacob Lee, Bryan Yung, Runway App

Credit : County Council Photographer sent to Ms. Williams
Credit : County Council Photographer sent to Ms. Williams

Jacob Lee and Bryan Yung, two SMCS seniors, recently received an award recognizing an app they created. The app, Runway, was made to help students by providing practice quizzes and daily stem lessons. The journey of this app started in the fall of 2021, when Bryan and Jacob were entering freshman year, fresh out of COVID-19. 


Feeling the pressure of choosing their future career path but unsure of what to pick, they were spurred to action to help students in a similar situation. 


Runway is for those needing a little extra guidance to narrow down their choices. 


“We wanted a way for students to explore different subjects easily, to help them find what truly excites them without needing to commit right away,” said Yung.


The app has gained great popularity, surpassing 1000 downloads in 90 countries in two months. However, this success comes from a lot of hard work and collaboration. 


“Neither of us had experience building an app, so we had to learn everything from development to marketing on our own,” stated Yung.


You can find the Runway app on both Apple and Android platforms.  

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