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Virtual Tools Utilized for SGA Communication

Virtual Tools Utilized for SGA Communication

Communication remains at the forefront for our SGA amid plans for 2024-2025 Prom and Homecoming, as they continue engaging with students through social media and email. 


Each class SGA and the Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) can be found on Instagram. The SGA takes student opinion via polls and input forms on their stories and posts frequently about upcoming events. The ILT can be found under the username @poolesville.ilt on Instagram.


The ILT sends monthly newsletters recapping what’s been happening throughout the month. At the bottom of the newsletter, there’s a link to a Google form where students can submit feedback. The names of the class and house ILT members, along with their student emails, can also be found here. All ILT newsletters published this year are available to view by clicking on the button labeled ILT newsletter on the lower half of the Poolesville High School Canvas page (Canvas). 


Junior Class President Pankhuri Malayanil, shared her confidence in the current communication between SGA officers and their classmates.


“Typically, if students don’t like a thing, they aren’t afraid to share it with us because we are students too,” Malayanil said. 


Small groups of students have expressed their appreciation for the ways that the SGA communicates as well as some additions they’d like to see implemented in the future.


Junior Camden Sosna mentioned how she saw the SGA reaching out for student opinions during her time here as a student.


“…They’ll put a poll on their Instagram…That’s what they did for Homecoming theme last year. For one of the hallways they did: ‘Would you rather do Hawaii or Paris?'”


Sosna stated that she liked being able to have that choice. 


Some students have also shared ways they would wish to see communication improved. Sophomore Vera Samuels proposed having an input box so students can submit feedback in person. Junior Garret Simmons said that he would like to see more SGA members survey random students in the hallway or possibly implement town halls. 


Principal Mark Carothers shares similar sentiments. He has hopes of holding town halls in the future to increase face-to-face engagement with students. However, we do not currently have the facilities.

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