Homecoming: The battle of the four elemental tribes
Sophomores, juniors, seniors, freshmen. Long ago the four classes lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when homecoming attacked. The four classes split, and each decorated a hallway. The sophomores of the water tribe clad their hallway in quotes and featured the koi pond with the spirits of the moon and ocean. The seniors lit their hallway on fire with an active volcano, and instated the fire nation’s rule over the school with a firey throne. The juniors earth-bended rocks into their hallway, and finally managed to get their cabbages in one place to bring the earth tribe to life. Finally, the freshman paid tribute to the air tribe’s air bison, posting Sokka’s masterpiece all over the temples, and covering railings with sparkling lights. But, despite the divide, last Friday the falcons united to show their school spirit at the homecoming pep rally.

Skylar Mullin is a junior in the Independent Studies Program and this is her second semester writing for the Poolesville Pulse. An aspiring writer who...

Zoe Elizabeth Moore is a junior in the Humanities program. This is her second semester writing for the Pulse, and she's excited to continue reporting on...

Dorin Lawless is a senior in the ISP program. This is his second semester taking pictures for the Poolesville Pulse, which he initially joined to try photojournalism...