Companies Release Deals during Cyber Monday and the Holiday Season
On Dec. 2, the annual Cyber Monday deals swept the nation. According to Adobe Analytics, the sales added up to a total of approximately $9.2 billion which was an increase of around 17% from last year. Consumers focused mainly on technological products. Smartphones were the biggest product of the day as they accounted for 33% of the sales, which was an increase of 46% from last year.
“Consumers capitalized on deals and ramped up spending, especially on smartphones, where activity increased on days when shoppers were snowed or rained in,” said head of Adobe consumer insights, John Copeland. Not only were there savings on phones but Best Buy had deals on almost every type of technology imaginable. They headlined tablets, laptops, all brands of consoles, headphones, TVs, and smartwatches. Some students were intrigued by the deals at Best Buy.
“I’d be interested in buying a video game console such as a Nintendo Switch. I would be most interested in buying it from Best Buy, as they tend to have good deals” said senior Joe Esser.
Best Buy was among a number of companies offering some sort of deals on technology on Cyber Monday. Other students were interested in other companies’ deals.
“I would be interested in purchasing camera tech or laptop equipment from Apple or a camera shop” added senior Solomiya Brannman.
Some companies kept some form of Cyber Monday deals going for the whole week after Monday. Other companies, such as Amazon, offer deals year-round. Amazon has exclusive deals for members of their service, Amazon Prime. Members can score deals on toys, electronics, and home products. Many other brands continued sales a week after Cyber Monday on “Green Monday.” These brands include big names such as Adidas, Amazon, Dell, eBay, Kohl’s, L.L. Bean, Levi’s, Macy’s, and Walmart. Despite the large variety of deals on Cyber Monday and throughout the holiday season, students were not willing to purchase items, for different reasons, even though they expressed interest.
“I wasn’t interested in buying something this Cyber Monday as I do not have enough money to buy the items I want” said Esser.
“I don’t like spending money when I don’t need to. Cyber Monday and Black Friday are just days to celebrate mass consumerism” explained Brannman.

Jason Sladic is a Senior in the Humanities program. This is his first year writing for the Poolesville Pulse. He plays basketball on a team outside of...