Poolesville students express differing opinions on Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court
America has been in trapped in a political argument over the past few weeks following Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court. The argument was fueled even more by the sexual assault allegations brought forward by Dr. Christine Ford, Deborah Ramirez, and Julie Swetnick. This lead to a hearing on September 27 in which both Dr. Ford and Justice Kavanaugh testified about the alleged assault and were questioned by the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary, who held the hearing.
The testimony of Kavanaugh has been criticized by many, claiming that his actions were too political and his temperament wasn’t on the level of a Justice on the Supreme Court. The hearing was also criticized by Republicans who claimed that Dr. Ford’s allegations were made up by the Democrats in order to discredit Kavanaugh, arguing that there wasn’t substantial evidence of the event occurring.
After this, the Committee called for an FBI investigation. They received the results of on October 4, although many Democratic senators said afterwards that the investigation was lacking in substance. Many other senators, however, said that the investigation proved his innocence based on the available evidence. Finally, on October 6, 2018, Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed for the Supreme Court with a vote of 50-48.
Many students have been motivated to attend protests at the Capital and the Supreme Court against Kavanaugh’s nomination. Global junior Ethan Groboski, who identifies as a Democrat, attended one of these protests. The protests, to Groboski, were ”very powerful” as students in attendance shared stories of sexual assault while expressing their disapproval for Kavanaugh’s nomination.
“It was emotionally draining. It was so hard to describe; my heart just hurt afterwards because here are all these students in Montgomery County who are telling their experience with sexual assault. These are people who are extremely passionate about this fight because they have gone through their own experiences” said Groboski.
Groboski also described his thoughts on Kavanaugh’s confirmation, specifically discussing his temperament and actions during the hearing that interviewed both him and Dr. Ford.
“I think he is unfit to hold a lifelong position especially after the accusation brought forward by Dr Ford.” Groboski felt that “his temperament was deeply inappropriate. [Kavanaugh] didn’t display the ability to think clearly or fairly at all during the hearing.”
Humanities Junior and Democrat Marco Di Pietro shared similar thoughts on Kavanaugh’s apparent temperament.
“Supreme Court Justices should be measured, be able to calmly interpret the issues without partisan squabbling. Kavanaugh was overly emotional, petty, and angry.”
However, other students at PHS supported Kavanaugh’s confirmation. Jacob Roe, a Republican-identifying junior in Global, provided some insight on this idea and why he was in favor of Brett Kavanaugh.
“It’s a big win for the Republican Party and a great step forward for our justice system,” said Roe.
Roe also defended Kavanaugh’s actions during the hearing as “completely justified”, adding that “[Kavanaugh] was under an unfathomable amount of pressure during a time when he should be celebrating his life achievements.”
Kobey Davenport is a junior in the Humanities program. This is his first year writing for the Poolesville Pulse and he’s very excited to be able to write...
Hadleigh Averna • Nov 7, 2018 at 8:30 pm
Good job son